Friday 30 December 2011

The use of Potato Extract

Potato Extract is also used in technical applications as wallpaper glue, for textile finishing and sizing, in paper coating and sizing and as paper sacks adhesive. It is also widely used in the preparation of pre-packed grated cheese, to stop the cheese sweating and binding.
Potato Extract is starch extracted from potatoes. The plant cells of the root tuber of potatoes plant contains starch grains (leucoplast). To extract the starch, the potatoes are crushed, the starch grains are released form the destroyed cells. The starch is then washed out and dried to powder.
Potato starch and potato starch derivatives are used in many recipes, for example in noodles, wine gums, cocktail nuts, chips, hot dog sausages, bakery cream and instant soups and sauces, in gluten-free recipes and kosher foods.
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Thursday 29 December 2011

Are you finding Protein

Protein is a complex chemical structure of a class of organic compounds, nutrients of the body need.
Protein is derived from Greek proteios, is "of paramount importance," meaning that the protein is of primary importance in the material life activities. Protein is the most abundant cellular components, most versatile polymer material, plays in the life process of all life functions in the role of enforcer; almost no one can leave the life activities of protein, so there is no protein would be any life. November 10, 1985, China's first high molecular weight protein --- the determination of the structure of trichosanthin all work is completed.
Protein is the main component of the human body, the daily ingestion of a certain amount of necessary protein to maintain growth and the updating of a variety of tissue protein. The basic unit of protein amino acids, protein synthesis and degradation are subject to the amino acid, amino acid metabolism is so central to protein metabolism. In order to meet the needs of protein synthesis is required intake or body by in vitro synthesis methods, the quality and quantity to ensure the supply of various amino acids. Amino acids can also be decomposed into the way into a number of physiologically active substances, some of the nitrogen compounds and as a source of energy in the body. Therefore, amino acid metabolism including anabolic and catabolic
More information: wholesale + Protein 

Wednesday 28 December 2011

D (-)-Fructose is for your choice

Fructose containing six carbon atoms,it is a simple sugar, is glucose isomers, which in thefree statein large numbers in fruit sauce and honey, fructose and glucose combined can produce sucrose. Pure fructose as colorless crystals, melting point of 103 ~105 ℃, it is not easy crystallization, usually viscous liquids, soluble in water, ethanol and ether. Fructose is the sweetest of the monosaccharides.
D (-)-Fructose has been one of the most common sugar. it Present in honey, fruits, and glucose combined constitute the daily consumption of sugar.
D (-)-Fructose (also levulose) is a simple monosaccharide found in many foods. It is a white solid that dissolves readily in water. Honey, tree fruits, berries, melons, and some root vegetables, contain significant amounts of the fructose derivative sucrose (table sugar). Sucrose is a disaccharide derived from the condensation of glucose and fructose.
CAS: 57-48-7
MF: C6H12O6
MW: 180.16
EINECS: 200-333-3
More information: D (-)-Fructose + suppliers,
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Tuesday 27 December 2011

The use of Fluorescein

Fluorescein is from the excited state back to the molecular ground state, due to electronic transitions were excited by light emitted molecules. Material fluoresces after UV irradiation of the phenomenon can be divided into two cases, the first one is the spontaneous fluorescence, such as chlorophyll, heme, etc. by ultraviolet irradiation, to red fluorescence, it is known as autofluorescence; second is induced fluorescence, that is the object and then stained by the fluorescent dye to fluoresce by ultraviolet radiation, known as the induced fluorescence.
There are many natural and synthetic materials can fluoresce, they have a wide range of applications.
Fluorescein is a fluorophore commonly used in microscopy, in a type of dye laser as the gain medium, in forensics and serology to detect latent blood stains, and in dye tracing. Fluorescein has an absorption maximum at 494 nm and emission maximum of 521 nm (in water).
Fluorescein also has an isosbestic point (equal absorption for all pH values) at 460 nm. Fluorescein is also known as a color additive (D&C Yellow no. 7). The disodium salt form of fluorescein is known as D&C Yellow no. 8.
More information: buy+ Fluorescein,

Monday 26 December 2011

What is Lysozyme

lysozyme, also known as muramidase or N-acetylmuramide glycanohydrlase, it is a bacteria in the hydrolysis of the enzyme alkaline mucopolysaccharide. Primarily through the destruction of the cell wall N-acetyl muramic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine between the β-1, 4 glycosidic bond, so that the cell wall insoluble mucopolysaccharide broken down into soluble glycopeptide, leading to escape of the contents of cell wall rupture leaving bacteria to dissolve.
Lysozyme is White or slightly off-white lyophilized powder, it is soluble in water, insoluble in ether and acetone.
Lysozyme can also be negatively charged and direct binding of virus protein, and DNA, RNA, apoprotein formation of salts, the virus inactivation. Therefore, the enzyme has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and other effects.
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Thursday 22 December 2011

Are you finding D(-)-Fructose

D(-)-Fructose ;D(-)-Fructose;D(-)-Fructose;D(-)-Fructose
D(-)-Fructose  (also levulose) is a simple monosaccharide found in many foods. It is a white solid that dissolves readily in water. Honey, tree fruits, berries, melons, and some root vegetables, contain significant amounts of the fructose derivative sucrose (table sugar). Sucrose is a disaccharide derived from the condensation of glucose and fructose.
CAS Number: 57-48-7
Synonym(s): beta-D-Fructose, Levulose
Molecular Weight: 180.16
Molecular Formula: C6H12O6
Storage Condition:ROOM TEMPERATURE
Risk Statements:N/A
Safety Statements:N/A
More information: buy+ D (-)-Fructose
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Providing lysozyme

lysozyme is also known as muramidase or N-acetylmuramide glycanohydrlase), is a bacteria in the hydrolysis of the enzyme alkaline mucopolysaccharide. Primarily through the destruction of the cell wall N-acetyl muramic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine between the β-1, 4 glycosidic bond, so that the cell wall insoluble mucopolysaccharide broken down into soluble glycopeptide, leading to escape of the contents of cell wall rupture leaving bacteria to dissolve.
Lysozyme can also be negatively charged and direct binding of virus protein, and DNA, RNA, apoprotein formation of salts, the virus inactivation. Therefore, the enzyme has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and other effects.
It is also present in cytoplasmic granules of the polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN). Large amounts of lysozyme can be found in egg white. C-type lysozymes are closely related to alpha-lactalbumin in sequence and structure making them part of the same family.
More information: Lysozyme + suppliers,

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Where to get Protein

Protein is the basis material of life, there is no life without protein.
Protein is Organisms which exist in a class of widespread biological macromolecules, the nucleic acid encoding α-amino acids between the α-amino and α carboxyl through the formation of peptide bonds from the peptide chain, generated by post-translational processing of a specific three-dimensional structure, the active molecules.
Protein is the key to healthy tissue, especially when treating injuries. BENEPROTEIN can help, with 6 grams of high-quality whey protein-enough to support the elevated protein and nitrogen levels required for healing-in every scoop or single-serve packet. This powder mixes easily into hot or cold foods without a change in taste or texture.
More information: Protein + suppliers,
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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Are you finding product Potato extract

Potato extract is pure protein concentrate, with a variety of balanced amino acid composition, have high nutritional value. Is a great potential for health food.
Potato extract is rich in protein, crude fiber, carbohydrate, can provide human nutrients. Potatoes contain a lot of sticky protein body protein, body protein is a sticky mixture of polysaccharide protein, can prevent deposition of fat in the cardiovascular system to maintain the flexibility of arteries.
Potato extract can prevent premature atheroma occurred, but also can prevent liver and kidney in the connective tissue atrophy, respiratory and digestive tract to maintain lubrication. Potato protein and potato protein as collagen disease can be prevented. Potato protein for the elderly is also a valuable health food, and has important physiological functions of health care.
More information: buy+ Potato extract

Sunday 18 December 2011

How to buy Sodium cholate

Sodium cholate  is one of two major bile acids produced by the liver where it is synthesized from cholesterol. Of the two major bile acids, cholate derivatives represent approximately eighty percent of all bile acids. These derivatives are made from cholyl-CoA which forms a conjugate with either glycine, or taurine, yielding glycocholic and taurocholic acid respectively.
Sodium cholate is a white crystalline substance insoluble in water (soluble in alcohol and acetic acid), with a melting point of 200-201 °C. Salts of cholic acid are called cholates. Cholic acid, along with chenodeoxycholic acid.
Preparation of bacterial culture medium, instead of cephalin cholesterol flocculation test for protein analysis.
Lysate sodium deoxycholate and the original role of sodium alum
The former is ionic detergent, which is the inhibition of tyrosine phosphatase activity.
CAS: 302-95-4
Molecular formula: C24H39O4Na
Molecular Weight: 414.55
Purity :> 99%
more information: Sodium cholate + for sale, 
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Thursday 15 December 2011

How to know about Methyl orange

Methyl orange is a pH indicator frequently used in titrations.
Methyl Orange is orange-red scaly crystals or powder. It is slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol.
Methyl Orange is often chosen to be used in titrations because of its clear colour change. Because it changes color at the pH of a mid-strength acid, it is usually used in titrations for acids. Unlike a universal indicator, methyl orange does not have a full spectrum of colour change, but has a sharper end point.
CAS: 547-58-0
MF: C14H14N3NaO3S
MW: 327.33
EINECS: 208-925-3
More information: Methyl Orange + suppliers,
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Where to buy Fluorescein

Fluorescein is also called "fluorescence" ,it refers to a light emitting cold light phenomenon. When a substance at room temperature by a wavelength of incident light (usually ultraviolet or X-ray) radiation, absorption of light energy into the excited state, and immediately sent back to stimulate and the wavelength of incident light than the length of the outgoing light (wavelength usually visible light).
Fluorescein has been widely used in biochemistry and medicine fields. People can put through a chemical reaction with fluorescent chemical groups bonded to biological macromolecules, and then by observing the emitted fluorescence tracer group to be sensitive to detect these biological macromolecules.
CAS: 2321-07-5
MF: C20H12O5
MW: 332.31
EINECS: 219-031-8
Specification: AR
more information: Fluorescein + for sale 

Tuesday 13 December 2011

The use of Methyl Red

Methyl red, also called C.I. Acid Red 2, is an indicator dye that turns red in acidic solutions. It is an azo dye, and is a dark red crystalline powder.
Methyl Red is Shiny purple or red-brown crystalline powder, soluble in ethanol and acetic acid, almost insoluble in water; ethanol solution by the time saved can be played by carboxyl esterification leaving a significant reduction in sensitivity; maximum absorption wavelength of 410nm.
Usage instructions:
Protozoa in vivo staining; acid-base indicator, pH color range 4.4 (red) to 6.2 (yellow); titration of ammonia, a weak organic bases and alkaloids, but does not apply in addition to organic acids other than oxalic acid and picric acid; with bromine cresol green and methylene blue mixed indicator composition to reduce discoloration and improve the color of the field sensitivity; precipitation titration of the adsorbed indicator, such as the fluoride ion with thorium nitrate titration; test free chlorine, chlorite and other oxidants;
AS No. :493 -52-7
Molecular formula: C15H15N3O2
Linear Formula: (CH3) 2NC6H4N = NC6H4CO2H
Molecular Weight: 269.30
Level: Ind
MDL number: MFCD00002425
Beilstein No.: 750,102
EC No. :207 -776-1
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Monday 12 December 2011

Where to buy Phenol Red

Product Name: Phenol Red
Molecular formula: C19H14O5S
Molecular Weight: 354.38
CAS No. :143 -74-8
Characteristic: Phenol Red is dark red crystalline powder. 1g Soluble in 1300ml of water, about 350ml ethanol, 500ml acetone, almost insoluble in ether and chloroform, soluble in alkali hydroxide or alkali carbonate solution was dark red, stable in air.
Indications: it is diagnosis renal medicine, intravenous injection, according to the speed of excretion in urine to determine renal function is normal.
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Sunday 11 December 2011

The function of Yeast extract

Yeast extract is the common name for various forms of processed yeast products that are used as food additives or flavorings.
Yeast extract is extracted from broken by the yeast proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and other extraction, and then the biological digestion of amino acids rich in small molecules, peptides, nucleotides, vitamins and other natural active ingredients of the material . Which more than 30% amino acid content, total protein 50%, 10% or more nucleotides, mainly used in food, spices, cosmetics and other fields.
The main effect of yeast extract:
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Thursday 8 December 2011

Are you finding product Methyl Red

Methyl Red is good.
Product desciptions:
Methyl Red  is Shiny purple or red-brown crystalline powder, it is soluble in ethanol and acetic acid, almost insoluble in water; ethanol solution by the time saved can be played by carboxyl esterification leaving a significant reduction in sensitivity; maximum absorption wavelength of 410nm.
It can be used for staining Protozoa in vivo ; acid-base indicator, pH color range 4.4 (red) to 6.2 (yellow); titration of ammonia, a weak organic bases and alkaloids, but does not apply in addition to organic acids other than oxalic acid and picric acid; with bromine cresol green and methylene blue mixed indicator composition to reduce discoloration and improve the color of the field sensitivity; precipitation titration of the adsorbed indicator, such as the fluoride ion with thorium nitrate titration; test free chlorine, chlorite and other oxidants;
Methyl red is the one commonly used in acid-base indicator, often a concentration of 0.1% ethanol solution, pH4.4 (red) -6.2 (yellow). Also used for protozoa in vivo staining.
CAS No. : 493 -52-7
Molecular formula: C15H15N3O2
Molecular Weight: 269.30
more about:Methyl Red +manufacturers
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Wednesday 7 December 2011

What is Methyl Orange

 Methyl Orange is Orange-red scaly crystals or powder. it is Slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. 0.1% aqueous solution is commonly used in the determination of ph indicator, the color range is ph3.1 ~ 4.4, from red to yellow. Also used as an indicator of acid-base titration and determination of the alkalinity.
Methyl Orange is nice indicator.
Usage: acid-base indicator
Storage: preserve it in cool and dry place.
Molecular formula: c14h14n3nao3s
Molecular Weight: 327.33
cas No.: 547-58-0
Density: 1
Melting point: 300 ° c
Boiling point: 100 ° c
more aboutbuy+ Methyl Orange

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Crystal Violet is your want

Crystal Violet is a basic chemical which is used in cell triphenylmethane violet dye. It is green with dark green metallic luster crystal or crystalline powder, is soluble in alcohol, soluble in chloroform, is still soluble in water, insoluble in ether, soluble in water, purple, easily soluble in alcohol purple
Medical Functions:
Crystal Violet has better bactericidal effect, and non-irritating and toxic. Solution for superficial wounds, erosions, ulcers and skin infections, athlete's foot secondary infection and paste for pyoderma and so on..
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Monday 5 December 2011

Where to get Phenol Red

Phenol Red is dark red crystalline powder, it is almost insoluble in ether and chloroform, soluble in alkali hydroxide or alkali carbonate solution was dark red, stable in air.
Phenol Red is medicine for the diagnosis of renal function, intravenous injection, according to the speed of excretion in urine to determine renal function wheather is normal.
Method of produce:
Making Phenol red agar and the addition of the components other than dissolved in distilled water, corrected pH. Adding agar, heated to boiling to dissolve agar. Adding 0.2% phenol red solution 12.5mL, shake. Packing tube, installed capacity should be more in order to obtain a higher bottom. 121 autoclave 15min. Place it in high-level backup.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Do you find Fuchsin Acid

Fuchsin Acid is brown-red crystals.
Fuchsin Acid is red powder; it can be tolerated in the water, slightly soluble in alcohol
Fuchsin Acid is slightly soluble in water, aqueous solution was red. Soluble in alcohol and acid. For cotton, rayon, paper, leather dyeing, but it is also used for paint, ink, etc.
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Thursday 1 December 2011

How to buy Isopropyl Alcohol

Product name: Isopropyl Alcohol
Other names: 2-propanol, isopropanol, isopropyl alcohol
CAS #: 67-63-0
Items                                    Properties
Molecular formula              C3H7OH
Molar mass                         60.10 g/mol
Appearance                        Colorless,colorless liquid
Odor                                      Rubbing alcohol.
Density                                 (at 20 C) 0.786 g/cm³, liquid
Melting point                        −89 °C, 184 K, -128 °F
Boiling point                        82.3 °C, 355 K, 180 °F
Solubility in water               miscible
Acidity (pKa)                         16.5 for H on hydroxyl
Viscosity                               2.86 cP at 15 °C
                                              1.96 cP at 25 °C
                                               1.77 cP at 30 °C
                                               For 187K-500K, viscosity (cP) =10^(-0.7009+(8.4150E+02/T)+(-8.6068E-03*T)+(8.2964E-06*(T^2))) (Temp in K)
Dipole moment                   1.66 D (gas)
Flash point                         12 °C
Characteristics and Application:
Isopropyl alcohol (also propan-2-ol, 2-propanol, iso, isopro, isoprop, rubbing alcohol, or the abbreviation IPA) is a common name for isopropanol, a colorless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor. It is the simplest example of a secondary alcohol, where the alcohol carbon is attached to two other carbons. It is an isomer of propanol.
Sterilizing pads typically contain a 60-70% solution of isopropanol in water. Isopropyl alcohol is also commonly used as a cleaner and solvent in industry.
Isopropyl alcohol vapor is denser than air and is highly flammable with a very wide combustible range. It should be kept away from heat and open flame. When mixed with air or other oxidizers it can explode through deflagration.Isopropyl alcohol has also been reported to form explosive peroxides.Like many organic solvents, long term application to the skin can cause defatting.
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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Do you find Bromothymol Blue

Bromothymol Blue is light pink crystalline powder, melting point is 200 ~ 202 , soluble in ethanol, methanol and dilute, ether alkali hydroxide solution. It slightly soluble in benzene, toluene and xylene, slightly soluble in water, almost insoluble in petroleum ether. Bromothymol blue is in alkaline solution, is yellow in acidic solution.
Bromothymol blue is a pH indicator, the color range between from pH6.0 (yellow) to 7.6 (blue).

Tuesday 29 November 2011

The benefits of Brilliant Green

Brilliant Green is a triarylmethane dye. Its formula is C27H34O4N2S. Its CAS number is633-03-4. It is soluble in water and alcohol. Dye crystallizes in small, shiny, golden prisms.
Brilliant Green has been used to color silk and wool.
Brilliant Green is effective against gram-positive bacteria. The main advantage of Brilliant Green over the more common antiseptics such as Iodine is that it does not irritate mucous membranes. Therefore it is often used to treat infections of the eye, tongue sores and sinus infections. Brilliant green induces vomiting when swallowed and toxic when ingested.
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Monday 28 November 2011

Providing Fluorescence

Fluorescence which is in biochemistry and medicine has been widely used. People can put through a chemical reaction with fluorescent chemical groups bonded to biological macromolecules, and then by observing the emitted fluorescence tracer group to be sensitive to detect these biological macromolecules.
 Fluorescence,is also called as “fluorescence” ,it refers to a photoluminescence phenomenon of cold light. When a substance is under sunshine by at room temperature and a wavelength of incident light (usually ultraviolet or X-ray) radiation, it aborts light energy into the excited state, and immediately sent back to stimulate and the wavelength of incident light than the length of the outgoing light (wavelength usually visible light).
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Where to buy Murexide

Murexide also called ammonium purpurate or MX, is the ammonium salt of purpuric acid. It may be prepared by heating alloxantin in ammonia gas to 100°C, or by boiling uramil with mercury oxide. W.N. Hartley found considerable difficulty in obtaining specimens of murexide sufficiently pure to give concordant results when examined by means of their absorption spectra, and consequently devised a new method of preparation for murexide.
In this process alloxantin is dissolved in a large excess of boiling absolute alcohol, and dry ammonia gas is passed into the solution for about three hours. The solution is then filtered from the precipitated murexide, which is washed with absolute alcohol and dried. The salt obtained in this way is in the anhydrous state. It may also be prepared by digesting alloxan with alcoholic ammonia at about 78°C; the purple solid so formed is easily soluble in water, and the solution produced is indistinguishable from one of murexide.
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Friday 25 November 2011

The use of Isopropyl alcohol

 Isopropyl alcohol (also named as propan-2-ol, 2-propanol, iso, isopro, isoprop, rubbing alcohol, or the abbreviation IPA) is a common name for isopropanol, a colorless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor. It is the simplest example of a secondary alcohol,the alcohol carbon is attached to two other carbons. It is an isomer of propanol.
Sterilizing pads typically contain a 60-70% solution of isopropanol in water. Isopropyl alcohol is also commonly used as a cleaner and solvent in industry.
Isopropyl alcohol vapor is more dense than air and is highly flammable with a very wide combustible range. Isopropyl alcohol should be kept away from heat and open flame. When mixed with air or other oxidizers it can explode through deflagration.Isopropyl alcohol has also been reported to form explosive peroxides.Like many organic solvents, long term application to the skin can cause defatting.
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Thursday 24 November 2011

what is Pig Bile salt

Pig Bile salt strains from the pig bile which is crafted a sodium salt, is commonly used in microbiological culture media selective inhibitors. Pig Bile salt is mainly used as a selective inhibitor of bacterial culture.It can promote the growth of certain pathogenic bacteria, inhibition of some Gram-positive cocci growing.
please visit our site!
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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Proteose petonne is your finding

 Proteose petonne is an organic compound, it can soluble in water, when heated it is not frozen, it is the intermediates of food protein and peptone.If you are interested in Proteose petonne, and want to know more detailed product information,please contact us directly.Proteose petonne is also a bacterial culture medium ingredients.
Proteose petonne is white or yellow crystalline powder. it can soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, glycerol, chloroform and ether. The strains in casein as raw material, made ​​by trypsin digestion, for preparation of microbiological culture media.
more about:wholesale  Proteose petonne
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Monday 21 November 2011

The function of Pulvis Fellis Suis

 Pulvis Fellis Suis is suidae animals- pig bile dry goods. It is yellow, greyish yellow powder. There is Gas slightly fishy, bitter, easily absorbing moisture characteristic.Pulvis Fellis Suis is applied into clearing away heat,moistening dryness, detoxify, relieving a cough, preventing asthma. At the same time,it if also used in fever, thirty, bloodshot eyes, sore throat, icterus,chincough, asthma, diarrhea, diarrhea, constipation, pyogenic infection's treatment .You should sealed, stored it in cool and dry place.Governance anger on the inflammation, red eyes and throat, and whooping cough in children, can be steam cooked Beverage FDA alone.
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Friday 18 November 2011

where to get Bromocresol Purple

Bromocresol Purple is tiny yellow crystals, solubling in ethanol and dilute alkali solution, practically insoluble in water.Bromocresol Purple can be used as acid-base indicator and it can also be used as a medium for Lactococcus lactis during preparation of the indicator.For a long time, bromocresol green (bromcresol green, BCG) dye binding method for measuring serum albumin (Albumin, ALB) is widely used in clinical,  most hospitals in domestic still follow this approach.
Molecular formula: C21H16Br2O5S
Molecular Weight: 540.22
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Thursday 17 November 2011

How to buy β-Cyclodextrin?

In recent years, β-cyclodextr in technology apply widely in the pharmaceutical and food industry. It receives satisfactory results in the drug  use of cyclodextrin technology.Cyclodextrin (referred to as CD) is product of CD polysaccharide translocation of the enzyme system acting on the starch hydrolysis.It can increase the drug solubility;increase the stability of drugs, especially some oxidation, hydrolysis, volatilization of the drug to form inclusion complexes, the drug molecule can be protected; it can also make Liquid drug into powder, ease of processing into other dosage forms;reduce irritation and reduced toxicity;cover up the bad smell and release rate and adjusted to improving the bioavailability.
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Wednesday 16 November 2011

The function of Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate

Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate is white crystals, solubling in water, slightly solubling in alcohol, the solution was slightly alkaline.It is mainly used in pharmaceutical and fermentation industries, but also in chemical reagents, bacterial agent training, ph buffer, preparation of potassium sulfate raw materials.Sometimes it will be added to milk powder.
more about: Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate+manufacturers
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Tuesday 15 November 2011

what is Fluorescence

Fluorescence,is also called as "fluorescence" ,it refers to a photoluminescence phenomenon of cold light.When a substance is under sunshine by at room temperature and a wavelength of incident light (usually ultraviolet or X-ray) radiation, it absort light energy into the excited state, and immediately sent back to stimulate and the wavelength of incident light than the length of the outgoing light (wavelength usually visible light).
Fluorescence which is in biochemistry and medicine has been widely used. People can put through a chemical reaction with fluorescent chemical groups bonded to biological macromolecules, and then by observing the emitted fluorescence tracer group to be sensitive to detect these biological macromolecules.
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Friday 11 November 2011

Methylene Blue for sale

Product Name: Methylene Blue
CAS: 61-73-4
MF: C16H18ClN3S
MW: 319.85
EINECS: 200-515-2
Methylene blue is a heterocyclic aromatic chemical compound with molecular formula: C16H18N3SCl. It has many uses in a range of different fields, such as biology and chemistry. At room temperature it appears as a solid, odorless, dark green powder, that yields a blue solution when dissolved in water. The hydrated form has 3 molecules of water per molecule of MB. Methylene blue should not be confused with methyl blue, another histology stain, new methylene blue, nor with the methyl violets often used as pH indicators.
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Wednesday 9 November 2011

Bromocresol Purple for sale

Product Name: Bromocresol Purple
CAS: 115-40-2
MF: C21H16Br2O5S
MW: 540.22
EINECS: 204-087-8
Bromocresol Purple (BCP),or 5',5"-dibromo-o-cresolsulfophthalein, is a pH indicator with the chemical formula C21H16Br2O5S.
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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Hyaluronidase for sale

 Hyaluronidases are a family of enzymes that degrade hyaluronic acid.
By catalyzing the hydrolysis of hyaluronic acid, a major constituent of the interstitial barrier, hyaluronidase lowers the viscosity of hyaluronic acid, thereby increasing tissue permeability. It is, therefore, used in medicine in conjunction with other drugs in order to speed their dispersion and delivery. The most common application is in ophthalmic surgery, in which it is used in combination with local anesthetics. It also increases the absorption rate of parenteral fluids given by hypodermoclysis, and is an adjunct in subcutaneous urography for improving resorption of radiopaque agents. Hyalurodinase is also used for extravasation of hyperosmolar solutions. Usually a 0.2 ml of the drug is injected around the area of extravasation. A total of 1 ml is used.
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Monday 7 November 2011

Bile Salts(5#) for sale

Bile Salts comprise mainly of sodium cholate and sodium deoxycholate. It is used in media as a agent to isolate enteric organisms and coliforms. It is an excellent inhibitor of Gram positive bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci.Store the sealed bottle containing the dehydrated medium at 2 to 30.0°C. Once opened and recapped, place the container in a low humidity environment at the same storage temperature. Protect it from moisture and light. The dehydrated medium should be discarded if it is not free flowing or if the color has changed from the original white color.
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Sunday 6 November 2011

Proteose petonne for sale

Proteose Peptone is an enzymatic digestion of animal tissues. It is commonly used in the preparation of culture media for the production of toxins, and in the fermentation industry for starter cultures. It is a highly nutritious source for the growth of a wide range of microorganisms.
Proteose Peptone is used in preparing microbiological culture media and in producing bacterial toxins. Bacto Proteose Peptone was originally developed to produce a diphtheria toxin of high and uniform potency from cultures of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Studies support the use of Proteose Peptone for production of diphtheria toxin, toxin-antitoxin mixtures and toxoid.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Beef Extract for sale

Beef Extract is used in preparing microbiological media. Beef Extract is used to replace infusions of meat, it is usually used in concentrations of 0.3 - 0.5%. Beef Extract's lack of fermentable carbohydrates allows it to be used in fermentation studies. Culture media containing Beef Extract have been recommended for use in bacteriological examination of water, milk, and other materials.
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Wednesday 2 November 2011

Liver Infusion Powder(Beef) for sale

Product Name: Liver Infusion Powder(Beef)
Liver Infusion Solids is the dehydrated infusion of porcine hearts for use in preparing microbiological culture media.
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Pulvis Fellis Suis for sale

Product Name: Pulvis Fellis Suis
【Preparation method】Take bile, filter it through, dry and smash it.
【Properties】Yellow, grey yellow powder, slightly fishy, bitter, water absorbing.
【Nature, flavor and channel tropism】bitter,cold.
【Functions of curing】Clear away heat,moisten dryness, detoxify, relieve a cough, prevent asthma. Used in fever, thirty, bloodshot eyes, sore throat, icterus,chincough, asthma, diarrhea, diarrhea, constipation, pyogenic infection .
【Administration and dosage】0.3~0.6g, orally taken. Put some powder of this water and water on the affected part.
【Storage】sealed, stored in cool and dry place.
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Tuesday 1 November 2011

Pig Bile salt for sale

Product Name:Pig Bile salt
Other Name:Hog bile extract, Ox bile extract, Ox bile
Pig Bile salt is used in biochemical reagent and medicine.
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Sunday 30 October 2011

Bile salt,from ox for sale

Product Name:Bile salt,from ox
Other Name:Hog bile extract, Ox bile extract, Ox bile
Pig Bile salt is used in biochemical reagent and medicine.
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Thursday 27 October 2011

Isopropyl Alcohol for sale

Isopropyl alcohol (also propan-2-ol, 2-propanol, iso, isopro, isoprop, rubbing alcohol, or the abbreviation IPA) is a common name for isopropanol, a colorless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor. It is the simplest example of a secondary alcohol, where the alcohol carbon is attached to two other carbons. It is an isomer of propanol.
Sterilizing pads typically contain a 60-70% solution of isopropanol in water. Isopropyl alcohol is also commonly used as a cleaner and solvent in industry.Isopropyl alcohol vapor is more dense than air and is highly flammable with a very wide combustible range. It should be kept away from heat and open flame. When mixed with air or other oxidizers it can explode through deflagration.Isopropyl alcohol has also been reported to form explosive peroxides.Like many organic solvents, long term application to the skin can cause defatting.
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