Wednesday 2 November 2011

Pulvis Fellis Suis for sale

Product Name: Pulvis Fellis Suis
【Preparation method】Take bile, filter it through, dry and smash it.
【Properties】Yellow, grey yellow powder, slightly fishy, bitter, water absorbing.
【Nature, flavor and channel tropism】bitter,cold.
【Functions of curing】Clear away heat,moisten dryness, detoxify, relieve a cough, prevent asthma. Used in fever, thirty, bloodshot eyes, sore throat, icterus,chincough, asthma, diarrhea, diarrhea, constipation, pyogenic infection .
【Administration and dosage】0.3~0.6g, orally taken. Put some powder of this water and water on the affected part.
【Storage】sealed, stored in cool and dry place.
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