Monday 21 November 2011

The function of Pulvis Fellis Suis

 Pulvis Fellis Suis is suidae animals- pig bile dry goods. It is yellow, greyish yellow powder. There is Gas slightly fishy, bitter, easily absorbing moisture characteristic.Pulvis Fellis Suis is applied into clearing away heat,moistening dryness, detoxify, relieving a cough, preventing asthma. At the same time,it if also used in fever, thirty, bloodshot eyes, sore throat, icterus,chincough, asthma, diarrhea, diarrhea, constipation, pyogenic infection's treatment .You should sealed, stored it in cool and dry place.Governance anger on the inflammation, red eyes and throat, and whooping cough in children, can be steam cooked Beverage FDA alone.
more about:Pulvis Fellis Suis  for sale 
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