Tuesday 27 December 2011

The use of Fluorescein

Fluorescein is from the excited state back to the molecular ground state, due to electronic transitions were excited by light emitted molecules. Material fluoresces after UV irradiation of the phenomenon can be divided into two cases, the first one is the spontaneous fluorescence, such as chlorophyll, heme, etc. by ultraviolet irradiation, to red fluorescence, it is known as autofluorescence; second is induced fluorescence, that is the object and then stained by the fluorescent dye to fluoresce by ultraviolet radiation, known as the induced fluorescence.
There are many natural and synthetic materials can fluoresce, they have a wide range of applications.
Fluorescein is a fluorophore commonly used in microscopy, in a type of dye laser as the gain medium, in forensics and serology to detect latent blood stains, and in dye tracing. Fluorescein has an absorption maximum at 494 nm and emission maximum of 521 nm (in water).
Fluorescein also has an isosbestic point (equal absorption for all pH values) at 460 nm. Fluorescein is also known as a color additive (D&C Yellow no. 7). The disodium salt form of fluorescein is known as D&C Yellow no. 8.
More information: buy+ Fluorescein,

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