Wednesday 8 February 2012

One common reagent:Catalpol HPLC grade

In organic chemistry, reagents are distinct substances formed by chemical union of two or more inorganic or small organic ingredients in definite proportion by weight. Examples of common organic reagents include Grignard reagent, Collins reagent, and Fenton's reagent.
In the laboratory, all solvents must be HPLC grade. Furthermore, all solvents should be tested for peroxide contamination before use, otherwise they may change chemically when reacted with an oxidizing agent. It's better to examine each new batch of solvents for contamination by drying down a few milliliters of the solvent and converting it into a derivative (called derivatization), if possible.
What kind reagent of Catalpol HPLC grade?What’s the application of Catalpol HPLC grade?

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