Monday 13 February 2012

Myriocin's effect

Myriocin, as well as antibiotic ISP-1 and thermozymocidin known, is an atypical amino acid and an antibiotic from certain thermophilic fungi.Isaria sinclairii are among the producing strains Mycelia sterilia.
Myriocin is a potent inhibitor of serine palmitoyltransferase, the first step in sphingosine biosynthesis.Because of this property will be used in biochemical research as a tool for depleting cells of sphingolipids.
Myriocin was shown that to prevent the proliferation of IL-2 dependent mouse cytotoxic T cell line.
Myriocin possesses immunosuppressive activity. It is reported to be 10-100 times more potent than cyclosporine.

Read more>>Myriocin online

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