Friday 24 February 2012

how to get Amyl alcohol

Amylalcohol can be separated from fusel oil by shaking with strong brine solution. For further purification amyl alcohol may be shaken with hot lime water, the oily layer separated, dried with calcium chloride and fractionated, the fraction boiling between 128 and 132 °C only being collected.Amyl alcohol may be synthesized from isobutanol by conversion into isovaleraldehyde.
Amylalcohol is a colourless liquid of density 0.8247 g/cm³ (0 °C), boiling at 131.6 °C, slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in organic solvents. Amyl alcohol possesses a characteristic strong smell and a sharp burning taste.

Read moreamyl alcohol online

Wednesday 22 February 2012

some uses of Hydrochloric acid 20 p A

One of the most important applications of hydrochloric acid is in the pickling of steel that is to remove rust or iron oxide scale from iron or steel before subsequent processing, such as extrusion, rolling, galvanizing, and the others. Technical quality HCl at typically 18% concentration is the most commonly used pickling agent for the pickling of carbon steel grades.
Another major application of hydrochloric acid is in the production of organic compounds, such as vinyl chloride and dichloroethane for PVC.Hydrochloric acid is often captive use, consuming locally produced hydrochloricacid. Other organic compounds produced with hydrochloric acid include bisphenol A for polycarbonate, activated carbon, and ascorbic acid, and a number of pharmaceutical products.

Monday 20 February 2012

the function of Adenylate kinase

Adenylate kinase uses AMP metabolic signals produced or downregulated during exercise, stress response, food consumption, hormone changes.  Adenylate kinase relays deliver AMP signals to metabolic sensors. It facilitates decoding of cellular information by catalyzing nucleotide exchange in the intimate “sensing zone” of metabolic sensors.
Through a chain of sequential reactions,  Adenylate kinase  facilitates transfer and utilization of γ- and β-phosphoryls in the ATP molecule.
Adenylate kinase reads the cellular energy state, generates, tunes, and communicates AMP signals to metabolic sensors. In this way,  Adenylate kinase  is able to convey information about the overall energy balance. AMP-sensors inhibit ATP consumption and promote ATP production.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Sodium acetate - Solution 20 p A

Sodium acetate is used in the textile industry to neutralize sulfuric acid waste streams, and as a photoresist while using aniline dyes. There is also a pickling agent in chrome tanning, and it helps to retard vulcanization of chloroprene in synthetic rubber production.
Sodium acetate may be added to foods as a spice. It can be used in the form of sodium diacetate - a 1:1 complex of sodium acetate and acetic acid, as the E number E262. A common use of this form is in salt and vinegar chips in the United States. Many U.S. brands, including sale of national manufacturer Frito-Lay, "seasoned salt and vinegar" chips that use this chemical, with milk sugar and small amounts of other chemicals that instead of a real salt and vinegar preparation.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

What’s Urea pure Ph. Eur., USP

Urea or carbamide, is an organic compound having a (NH2) 2CO chemical formula. Molecule, residue secondary amine (-NH2) has been coupled by the carbonyl functional group (-CO-).
By nitrogen-containing compounds that the animal plays an important role in the metabolism of urea, which is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. Alkaline, high water-soluble solid, colorless and odorless, both in the acidic, relatively non-toxic, urea nitrogen fertilizer is being used widely as a convenient source. Urea is an important raw material for the chemical industry.
The Chemical properties of Urea pure Ph.Eur.USP:Brand:AppliChem ;Specification:1kg/5kg/10kg/25kg ;Cas:57-13-6 .
Read more:Urea pure Ph. Eur., USP online

Nitric acid - Standard volumetric solution 6 M‘s usage

Nitric acid (HNO3) is a colorless, liquid acid widely used in the manufacturing of explosives and fertilizers. When dissolved in water, molecules of nitric acid separate (or dissociate) into hydrogen ions (H+) and nitrate ions (NO3). The fact that nearly every nitric acid molecule dissociates is what makes nitric acid a strong acid. Nitric acid is often the starting material in the industrial production of nitrates for fertilizers.
Nitric acid is also formed from the reaction of nitrogen oxides produced during the combustion (burning) of fossil fuels in automobile engines. These nitrogen oxides react with water in the atmosphere and form nitric acid, one cause of acid rain. High levels of nitrates in drinking water can contribute to the formation of nitrosamines, a group of carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds.
Read more>>Nitric acid - Standard volumetric solution 6 M online

Monday 13 February 2012

Myriocin's effect

Myriocin, as well as antibiotic ISP-1 and thermozymocidin known, is an atypical amino acid and an antibiotic from certain thermophilic fungi.Isaria sinclairii are among the producing strains Mycelia sterilia.
Myriocin is a potent inhibitor of serine palmitoyltransferase, the first step in sphingosine biosynthesis.Because of this property will be used in biochemical research as a tool for depleting cells of sphingolipids.
Myriocin was shown that to prevent the proliferation of IL-2 dependent mouse cytotoxic T cell line.
Myriocin possesses immunosuppressive activity. It is reported to be 10-100 times more potent than cyclosporine.

Read more>>Myriocin online

Wednesday 8 February 2012

One common reagent:Catalpol HPLC grade

In organic chemistry, reagents are distinct substances formed by chemical union of two or more inorganic or small organic ingredients in definite proportion by weight. Examples of common organic reagents include Grignard reagent, Collins reagent, and Fenton's reagent.
In the laboratory, all solvents must be HPLC grade. Furthermore, all solvents should be tested for peroxide contamination before use, otherwise they may change chemically when reacted with an oxidizing agent. It's better to examine each new batch of solvents for contamination by drying down a few milliliters of the solvent and converting it into a derivative (called derivatization), if possible.
What kind reagent of Catalpol HPLC grade?What’s the application of Catalpol HPLC grade?

Monday 6 February 2012

Where to buy Fatty acid methyl ester

Fatty acid methyl ester is yellow clear transparent liquid (distillation is colorless), has a mild, characteristic odor, structural stability, there is no corrosion. The fatty acid methyl esters is a versatile surface active agents (SAA) raw materials.Starting from the fatty acid methyl esters produce two surfactants by sulfonation and the production of fatty acid methyl ester sulfonate (the MES), and the other is produced by hydrogenation of fatty alcohols.
Fatty acid methyl ester is the essential fatty acid composition of cell membranes involved in the synthesis of phospholipids in cell membranes and mitochondria, the lack of time will affect the normal function of cells.
Fatty acid methyl ester is a mixture of natural fatty acid by esterifies reaction from fatty acid or grease. It is a clarify transparent yellow liquid with a mild, unique odor,It has structural stability,and no corrosion. It mainly contains methyl ester and linoleic acid methyl ester.
CAS: 627-91-8
Molecular Formula: C7H12O4
Formula Weight: 160.17g/mol

Friday 3 February 2012

Supply β-Cyclodextrin

As a result, these molecules have found a number of applications in a wide range of fields.
Other than the above mentioned pharmaceutical applications for drug release, cyclodextrins can be employed in environmental protection: β-Cyclodextrin molecules can effectively immobilise inside their rings toxic compounds, like trichloroethane or heavy metals, or can form complexes with stable substances, like trichlorfon (an organophosphorus insecticide) or sewage sludge, enhancing their decomposition.
β-Cyclodextrin are able to form host-guest complexes with hydrophobic molecules given the unique nature imparted by their structure.
CAS: 10016-20-3
MF: C36H60O30
MW: 972.84
EINECS: 233-007-4
Specification: BR
more aboutβ-Cyclodextrin  for sale, 
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Thursday 2 February 2012

Where to buy Fluorescein

Product Name: Fluorescein
CAS: 2321-07-5
MF: C20H12O5
MW: 332.31
EINECS: 219-031-8
Fluorescein is a fluorophore commonly used in microscopy, in a type of dye laser as the gain medium, in forensics and serology to detect latent blood stains, and in dye tracing. Fluorescein has an absorption maximum at 494 nm and emission maximum of 521 nm (in water).
Fluorescein also has an isosbestic point (equal absorption for all pH values) at 460 nm. Fluorescein is also known as a color additive (D&C Yellow no. 7). The disodium salt form of fluorescein is known as D&C Yellow no. 8.
More information: Fluorescein  suppliers,

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Supply Sodium tauroglycocholate

Sodium tauroglycocholate (bile acid) is a method of water-soluble proteins, such as cell lysis, liposomes, isolated membrane proteins and lipids, to prevent non-specific binding affinity as cell culture media and supplements in the common bile acids.
Sodium tauroglycocholate is White crystalline powder.
CAS No.: 41945-48-6
Molecular Formula: C28H47N2NaO8S
Formula Weight: 594.74
More information: buy+ Sodium tauroglycocholate
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